Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lenny: An Automotive Humanitarian

Sometimes help comes forward in the least suspecting ways, but when it does it reinforces just how far reaching word-of-mouth can be. Lenny, featured in today's post, rarely if ever would be found surfing the Web much less landing on a blog designed to help those homeless get a leg up on their recovery. 

But, he apparently knows others that do.   

I soon found out, blog reader Angela Liverzani Quartararo, has become one of our most devoted supporters. It was Angela broadcasting the mission of the Homeless Initiative and her message landed on one of Town N Country's most benevolent automotive mechanics: Lenny with Lenny's Auto Services.  The message of donorship came in the form of an email: 

"How can we help out?" "We will do what we can."

My most pressing case of homeless assistance is Valerie Pflum -- the doting mother of two -- she has several job interviews lined-up and she doesn't have the sixty-dollars needed for a Hartline bus pass to get back and forth. 

By the end of the day I had met Lenny in person at his auto repair shop and by late afternoon Valerie had the much needed 31-day bus pass in her hands. 

Valerie told me, "What a relief, I didn't know how I was going to manage without transportation -- I am truly grateful for the help!"

A big Thanks to Lenny with Lenny's Auto Services, the humble mechanic and benefactor of goodwill and Angela a devoted reader for making it all happen.

Lenny Is an Auto Mechanic in Town N' Country 
Lenny's Auto Services
6001 John Rd, Suite 403
Tampa, Fl 33634

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