Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Homeless Recovery Story With Louisiana Cajun Roots

I spend a good part of my time bushwhacking Town N' Country's heavy palmetto thickets and wooden reserves looking for clandestine homeless camps that line the busy thoroughfares of Hillsborough County.

It's this citizenry of a subculture that slovenly coexists within these short reaches of the right-of-way. On occasion, an out-of-place tarp fashioned for shelter gives their location away -- I break out my walking stick to cut through the dense brush.

This is how I met Micheal, our most recent homeless recovery story -- a blue tarp contrasting with the surrounding green imagery led me right to him. They're always a little startled as you might imagine until I extend the olive branch of homeless assistance.

Most stories of homeless recovery should go as well as Micheal's rise from residential instability. Micheal recognized opportunity when it suddenly appeared on his door step and he took advantage of it.

His roots originate from the marshy wetlands of the Louisiana Bayou. His southern gentility delivers a "Yes Sir" following every question and he was often found cooking French Creole dishes at his camp from his many years as a culinary chef.

Good luck to Michael and his continued homeless recovery success he was great to work with and it was a pleasure to help him in his recovery.

Deputy Steven Donaldson
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
District III Office: (813) 247-0330

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