Saturday, April 14, 2012

Homeless Jam Encore with Little John Part 2


  1. KaraokeKimea@aol.comApril 25, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    Hi, Little John ~ I was so glad to be a part of your encore. I hope to eventually do a story on "Homeless Talent" and I hope you don't mind me sharing your Musical video with the world. I was reading the story of the "Homeless initiative" and it is very impressive,and I think it will help many people in the future. Thanks to the Hillsborough county Sherriff's Dept,and many thanks especially to Deputy Steven Donaldson :0) I was also homeless at one time,and I have written a song entitled "Don't they Care" and I hope to sing about it one day,just like you ! Keep playing,and one day we may meet. Until then,Keep singing,Stay safe,and Keep you head held High♥

  2. Thanks KaraokeKimea, I'll be sure to pass on your kind words to Little John - DEP D
