Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dr. Winkler helps homeless with renewed vision

Dep.Donaldson(left),Dr.Winkler(center),David Delpino(right)
She wears a crisp white lab coat and walks at a pace that's hard to follow. It was my first initiation with Dr. Ruth Winkler -- LensCrafters Doctor of Optometry, it reads in blue stitching across her cotton jacket. It's a professionally aesthetic reflection that compliments the esteem that comes with such charismatic generosity I soon found out.

Many months ago, my counterpart in homeless recovery, Deputy Jerry Andrews, stumbled upon Dr. Winkler as a resource for homeless clients in need of eye exams and prescription eye wear. They don't fill out applications, present insurance cards -- or asked for payment of any kind. When accompanied by a homeless recovery officer they simply get the help that is needed.

Late Friday afternoon, homeless client David Delpino became the latest recipient of Dr. Winkler's larger than life goodwill. Surviving in the thickets of homeless existence things take a beating -- much like Delpino's over-sized opticals did in a recent camp site misstep.

"I tried repairing the frame with epoxy glue." Delpino said. "But, it just didn't work."

Delpino has become one of our top notch recovery clients -- having made such a dramatic turnaround -- he has proven to me his motivation is sincere.  The Sheriff's Office Homeless Initiative rewards this forward momentum with a clear and convincing hand-up using private sector resources to fill the gaps when public resources are curtailed.

"I have never seen such a gracious staff, they even helped me pick-out a nice frame," Delpino said.

Dr. Winkler snuck-away in between waiting patients to capture the requested snap shot of her latest conclusion of altruism. Before I knew it she was gone again before I could pass off my business card -- as she faded into the distance of the examining rooms her staff whispers compliments about her:  "She just great to work for," one employee said.

Deputy Steven Donaldson
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
Homeless Initiative
District III Office: (813) 247-0330

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