Saturday, July 2, 2011

Robert : He Solved the Problem Himself - With Just A little Help

Robert is our latest success story with the District III Homeless Initiative. A 24 year-old young man that we found living in a tent in the woods off of Kelly Road in our zone. I'm proud of Robert for his personal fight to get off the streets - he just needed a little boost to focus on his priorities and to solve the problem himself ... No tax payer money or government assistance was used in solving his residential instability. He was able to find a job, scrape together enough money to rent a nice studio apartment and now is on the road to recovery. Job well done Robert!
He is another fine example of how we can solve these problems simply by law enforcement engaging the homeless instead of simply arresting them.
Robert told me today, "I don't want to be homeless and I never wanted to live on the streets ... I don't want to go back!" he said.
Even though he's moving forward, survival every day is a struggle but he's not the type to give up. He has saved-up his rent for the month from his new job that cut back on his hours recently. He showed me his electric bill which he thought was a little high for a studio apartment. He might be a little short with paying the eighty dollars but he's not the type to complain either.
If you can help out in anyway, let me know. 5 bucks here and 10 bucks there adds up quickly and I'll be sure that he gets all of it. Thanks for every ones help with the homeless initiative. As of today we have fifty-two successful candidates off the streets and into housing!

I am now working full-time on this initiative and speak at others districts to start the program in other areas of the county. Soon enough I truly believe that this will become a national model but it takes the support and backing of the citizenry that demands a different approach from policy makers to simply get the job done!

Deputy Steven Donaldson
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
District III
Office: (813) 247-0330

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