Friday, August 5, 2011

Jay Berman: "Mayor of Town N' Country" Holds Impromptu Town Hall Meeting

It was during Friday's lunch hour at the Town N' Country ABC Pizza where Jay Berman arrived unannounced.

As you may recall, Jay has been dubbed the "Mayor of Town N' Country" by his homeless cohorts. I'm not certain of it's origin, other than to say it was most likely derived from a sneering contempt.

Nonetheless, he affectionately wears it well; as he spotted me seated in a booth within the crowded dining room with a fellow deputy. Jay stood at the edge of our table to pay homage to the deputy he seemingly feels beholden. Jay probably has received less assistance when compared to the many others we have helped get off the streets. But as Jay put it, while grandstanding with his ear-splitting demonstration of thanks, "You've helped me more than anyone...and I wanted to thank you!"

Jay then reached into his pocket and offers to pay for my lunch buffet.

"Jay, put the money back in your pocket." I said. "I can't take your money, this is what we get paid to do."

I did sit down with Jay later at his table and the before and after picture is almost startling. He's cleaned-up, his hair had been recently cut and his clothes were clean. He even told me that he is trying to kick his fixation with drinking and has been attending "AA" meetings.

The homeless initiative adheres to the "housing-first" philosophy, where we believe once these folks have a home off the streets everything else will eventually fall into place. Jay has proven that for me, since early on I didn't have a lot of faith in his successful rehabilitation.

I'm proud to say Jay has proven that my doubt was wrong -- and with that, he as well re-payed any personal obligation of indebtedness.


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