Russell, a former homeless man, stands over the fruits of his sweat equity labor. Over the St Patrick's Day weekend he spent most of his time planting the ornamental garden and rebuilding the weathered wooden deck that frames the entrance of is new home.
It wasn't too long ago I received a call for help from Deputy George while he was patrolling the streets of Town N' Country. It seems a church on Kelly Road had gained a new member, but this new addition wasn't part of the worshiping flock. It was a homeless man named Russell sleeping on the church grounds overnight using the place of worship as shelter.
I eventually caught up with Russell or I should say he caught up with me first. Days later after never finding Russell on the church property he ran into me at the Town N' Country library -- a central meeting point for scheduled appointments with those calling for help. "Are you Deputy Donaldson?" Russell asked. Having never met him before he explained, "I'm Russell -- I'm homeless, can you help me?"
Many months later Russell has earned the privilege of trading his sweat equity for a comfortable roof over his head. Today he lives in one of two residential rehab projects recently organized by the Homeless Initiative on Old Memorial Hwy. Homes that were once vacant and in disrepair are refurbished by the formerly homeless men who live there now. In time, when they get their heads above water they will start paying a nominal and graduated rental fee.
I remember when we first helped Russell get off the streets I asked him what was his motivation. Russell came back with a crafty yet obliging answer, "Sometimes you just need a kick in the pants", he said.
Deputy Steven Donaldson
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
District III
Office: (813) 247-0330
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