Monday, March 19, 2012

Luis a70-Year-Old Homeless Man

I wanted to start this post off with the most startling pictures instead of the usual rosy finish I prefer. But, only to drive home this point: how does a 70 year-old man, suffering from an apparent and unchecked mental health obstacle -- live in the armpits of this repugnant stench and squalor for over a year?

This was the Sheriff's Office second encounter with Luis since late July, where he was handed-over for a baseline mental health evaluation.

Unfortunately, he was cut loose without notice only to return to the streets again.

The theory of our boundless geographical permanence was obvious today, since Luis fell back into our net once again -- it's a simple analysis: the trespassing offender leads to a complaint, and the complaint delivers the police.

On this encounter we tried something different -- I contacted adult services who responded within an hour, considering a homeless man of 70 years a priority response. When Luis was offered the help to get off the streets he first whimpered then he sobbed. He cried last time I offered him the same help, but he fell through the cracks of a fragmented system before I could deliver it.

If I've proven anything in the last year it's this: not every homeless person wants to be homeless and when offered legitimate assistance to get off the streets most accept, like Luis did.

To get Luis the help he needs, even a qualified case manager, sometimes has to navigate the system. We managed to get Luis admitted for the long overdue assistance he needed. Thanks to Steven, the Adult Services case manager, he received residential placement within just a few days and now lives in a group retirement home.

Deputy Steven Donaldson
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
District III
Office: (813) 247-0330

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